Take Advantage of the
Canada Greener Homes Grant
With New Windows and Doors

Your new window and door installation may qualify for the Canada Greener Homes Grant. It’s a significant cash rebate opportunity for replacing your home’s windows and doors – up to $5,000 – sponsored by the Federal Government. It’s a great way to save on multiple levels – you are cutting your energy bills with your new window and door installation, and the government rewards your efforts with dollars back in your wallet for making the upgrades.

How the Canada Greener Homes Grant Works

Window and Door replacements are eligible for the Canada Greener Homes Grant Program. But they do have to meet specific criteria and, as mentioned, must be approved during the pre-retrofit evaluation.

Some of these include:
- They must be new, high-performance ENERGY STAR-certified windows or inserts
- Windows and Doors must be purchased in Canada
- Makes and models must be on the approved list
- ENERGY STAR labels must be visible until the post-retrofit evaluation

The grant amounts vary with the type of approved units you install:
Doors – up to $175 per door, if they meet the criteria and an energy rating of 34 or greater.
Windows – up to $175 per window, if they meet the requirements and an energy rating of 34 or greater.
Windows – up to $375 per window, if they meet the requirements and an energy rating of 40 or greater.

Why should you take Advantage of this?

When you’re doing your research to identify a grant for an energy-efficient home, replacement windows and doors are an excellent idea. The government recognizes it also; that’s why new window and door installations qualify. In addition to the rebate money, however, you also get the benefit of:

- Greater energy efficiency in your home = lower energy bills
- A more attractive exterior and interior – both for your family and guests, and down the road should you choose to sell
- Enhanced interior comfort: eliminate drafts, hot spots, cold spots – energy-efficient windows address all these common home comfort issues

All of the above add up to the fact that it’s a good idea to replace old, leaky, drafty windows. The better the replacement window and door assembly, the better the performance. You could consider the ENERGY STAR Canada Greener Homes grant to be just icing on the cake.

Ready to apply? Check eligibility and apply online!